Saturday, July 16

Purpose Driven Academy

This place is the best. I'm spending more and more time here, and loving it. On Friday my friend Kyleigh and I took classes 1-5 out to PE. Played red rover and soccer. I swear, if anyone spent one whole school day here with these students, they would faaaaaall in love with them. I'm 100% confident in that. Here's some pics…
This is class 6--a pretty nice classroom. They were having a formal debate over the question, "Which is better: mother or father?"  
This is the baby class :) They are crazy.
This is Laurence, but everyone calls him Lau
Break timmmmme
This is Lau's sister Suzanne, from class 5. Behind her is the classroom.
Here is class 4 kids, up in front on the right is Kamou.. Lau and Suzanne's brother.
Class 3 students taking porridge.  In the middle is Manu, my favorite PDA kid. He's first in his class!

Innocent and Amos, class 7 and class 5. Amos is reeeeal good at soccer.