Sunday, August 26

First Days in Spain

Hi guys!!!!!

Sooo this was originally a blog about Kenya, but now I’m gonna use it to share about my time in Europe this year!  I’ll try to write on it once every 2 weeks or so and include a few pics. 

Basically, I love this place. The people are SO nice, its fun getting better at Spanish, there are so many young international students here, everything is SO SO beautiful, the 30 other kids from California in my program are all really nice people, I just love it!  You know how lots of times we cant appreciate things til after they happen?  How we can look back on times in our life in a good light, but cant always appreciate them during that time? Studying in Spain for the year is NOT one of those things.  I’m so stoked on this opportunity… even though I already really miss you guys!

Thanks a billion for your prayers.  Seriously.  Alright heres some pictures…

Tanya and me in Madrid, fresh off the airplane.  Shes the other person from UCI. 

Heres a couple of the other kids in my program... all from UC schools. First night on the town!

 Bad picture, but this is what the streets of Granada look like.

2nd night on the town!

The guy on the left, Jose, is a local spaniard who studies at the University of Granada and his job is to help us acclimate to life here. He's super nice!

Wellllll, until next time! Love you guys! Adiossssssss