1. Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil. Cling to what is good. -Romans 12:9. In some simple way I guess that's an answer for how we should respond to evil in Kenya.. and distractions in America.
2. We're supposed to represent Jesus Christ.. what a high calling. Jesus was epic, perfect, he was love itself! As we walked through a hospital today I struggled with that calling. We stopped and prayed for a mom who had malaria and pneumonia. I knelt by her bed and stared at her while we prayed. Her face was scared and alone and it's something I remember when I think of my comfort and security at home.
3. There are no great acts, only small acts with great love. -Mother Teresa.
4. Phrases like "God's love" and "joy in Christ" lose their meaning cuz of how often we hear them in church or in bible studies or wherever. I LOVE the moments where I somewhat realize how powerful those ideas are.. "God loved us before we were born; He will love us after we die. Not one thing can separate us from the love of God. His heart is an inexhaustible ad irrepressible fountain of love" -Oswald Chambers
5. "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness." Maybe it can be that simple.. Our hope is build on nothing less than the fact that Jesus lived--a perfect life--and then died.. for us.