Hey guyssss, made it to kitale. It was a solid 2 plus days of traveling but we made it. Being back a 2nd time is totally different. Man it's crazy. You're just brought to the forefront of like life and what matters. Poverty, the gospel, evil, becoming less so he can become greater. I'm learning a lot, being challenged consistently throughout the day and night. Like, it's crazy trying to wrap this experience cuz theres soooo much that happens each day... New mind-wrenching evils that exist in kenyan culture, new dynamics of living in a world that's spiritual not just physical, new perspectives on god/christians/truth, learning about myself as a member of close christian community. In the end, I still have NO idea how to reconcile kenya with america.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, I miss you guys a lot :) I guess just pray that God would stay close by, help me process, help me hear and do what he wants me to hear and do. Thanks guys
Love, Brea